The Header was "Aion Account Check"
When you receive this message at the same time means that you have a routine account of our recent examination, was checking your account we have the evidence to prove that involved in the controversial game currency transaction so we had to take the necessary measures.
Please visit our web site as soon as possible to activate your account or we will suspend your account.
Anyway, here is the one I got today
When you receive this message when your NCsoft Account means that there are serious security risks.
We have evidence to prove your account has been in different countries and regions, several attempts to login.
So we have to remind you to enter our web site as soon as possible to account verification, otherwise, we will be lock your account.
In order to protect your interests.
The NCsoft Team
You can notice that this email is not from NCsoft by the mastery of the English language of the person who translated this letter